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Here is one of the saxophonists...

1. Name?  Luisa Bennett

2. Where were you born? Chester

3. Why do you live in Leeds? I grew up in Leeds, and returned after going to university in Newcastle.

4. What is your occupation? English Teacher for the Medical Needs Teaching Service (working with teenagers whose mental health conditions mean they can't attend mainstream school)

5. What’s your instrument? How long have you played? Why did you start? Alto Sax - started playing in 6th form, so 29 years ago. It had always been a dream of mine to plax Sax, ever since watching Zoot in the Muppet Show :-)  I got a tenor sax about 3 years ago and enjoy playing both now, on alternate weeks!

6. What made you join a concert band? Why tutti?  I was in a big band at University and absolutely loved it.  I'm not someone who will just pick up my sax and play it on my own without something to work for.  It's an instrument made to be played with other instruments and I love playing in a big group - I love the sound we make!  I initially joined Tutti to help Joelle out with some Christmas gigs and enjoyed it so much that I stayed!  

7. What do you enjoy about playing with Tutti? So many things.  I think Joelle's motto sums up the main reason: 'if it's wrong, make it strong!' - I love that there's no expectation to be brilliant and that all abilities are welcome; I love the emphasis on empowerment, positivity and self-esteem.  We are a very accepting, loving and diverse group of musicians and it's easy to feel at home.

8. What’s one of your favourite pieces in the repertoire and why?  I love the Stevie Wonder medley - fantastically funky tunes and great sax lines!  It's a total crowd-pleaser at gigs too.

9. What’s been an unexpected benefit / bonus of being in the band?  Having the chance to play the tenor sax, which I never would have done otherwise.  Also, being able to bring my kids along so that, even though they're not joining in the playing, they're soaking up the music and seeing regular ensemble playing as a normal thing to do.  I'm very grateful that nobody minds their noises and interruptions (or at least, everyone's too nice to say anything!)

10. What do you look forward to most when the band can meet together again?  Getting to grips with some of the more challenging new pieces and getting out there playing some gigs again.  Also cake.

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